
My son Richard is always taking photos of meals—before he digs in.

I decided to follow suit. 

His response to the photo of The Brown Jug’s prosciutto and fig pizza topped with fresh arugula? 

“You drive all the way to Sandwich, MA, and have pizza?”

In my defense, this pizza was baked in a wood-fired oven manned by a young woman while I sat on the patio and watched, listening to a local trio.  It was no ordinary pizza—fig glaze—a first for me. And ever since I read The Island of Missing Trees by Elif Shafak, I’ve had a thing for figs.  I mean, when was the last time you read a book where a main character was a fig tree? How could I resist? 

The Weather Store was across from the inn where I stayed.  On a rainy morning I stopped in to check out the weathervanes, rain gauges, tide clocks, sundials. 

When I explained that I was in town for a wedding the following day, and hoping for sunshine, the shop’s owner gave me this charming New England saying: “A wet knot never slips.” 

I texted it to the father of the bride.  Words of wisdom to bail him out, if necessary.  

Then the fellow asked where I was from. 

“State College, where Penn State is located.”

“I was there last week.” he replied. 

I was blown away.  Then, the rumblings of a small-world earthquake.  He went to the Grange Fair in Centre Hall, just over the mountain from Pleasant Gap.  He married a Zerby from Spring Mills and her family has had a tent at Grange Fair for 110 years.  Next year will be the Centre County Grange Fair’s 150th anniversary.  Amazing. 

But enough Pennsylvania rambling. 

The main event was the wedding.  Ansley and Adam exchanged touching vows at the Heritage Museums and Gardens in Sandwich under a clear blue Cape sky.  In the backdrop was the Flume, a 208-foot-long trough of water falling 26 feet into a pool filled with waterlilies.  A stunning beginning to an evening of teary toasts and wild dancing by uninhibited 30-something Bostonians and a crew of twirling grandchildren.

The parents of the bride, my sister Lee Ann and Tim the poet, hosted a post-wedding brunch.  I stayed on for a few days to explore their new home turf and enjoy Cape Cod sunsets … and sandwiches. Laurie Lynch

Tossing Rice: If you are looking for a delicious end-of-summer salad, try this.  Fresh figs on the side would be a perfect marriage of flavors.  

Fanny’s Rice Salad

1 cup rice

1 package frozen peas

1 can black beans, rinsed and drained

1 can black-eyed peas, rinsed and drained

Several stalks celery, chopped

Red onion, chopped

Bunch of cilantro, chopped

Cook 1 cup rice with 2 cups water according to directions on package. As it is cooling, add frozen peas and stir. Mix other ingredients in large bowl.  Add cooled rice and peas, stirring.  Toss with dressing. Refrigerate.


¼ cup apple cider vinegar

1-2 Tbsp. olive oil

Juice of ½ lemon or lime

1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard

Clove of garlic, minced

Salt and pepper

Yarmouth Port Sunset

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